
Range Date Picker

A date picker that allows the selection of a range of dates.


Example Code

1import { CalendarDateRange } from "inc-design-system/calendar";

Example Code

1const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState<
2  CalendarDateRange | undefined
5return (
6  <RangeDatePicker
7    today={new Date()}
8    selected={selectedDate}
9    onSelect={setSelectedDate}
10  />



todayDateThe current Date()
selectedCalendarDateRange | undefinedThe currently selected date range. If a date range is selected, it will be displayed in the date picker. If no date is selected, the placeholder text will be displayed instead.-
onSelect(date: CalendarDateRange | undefined) => voidA callback function that is called when a date range is selected in the date picker. The selected date range is passed as an argument to this function.-
disabledbooleanA boolean that determines whether the date picker is disabled. If `true`, the date picker is disabled and cannot be interacted with. If `false` or omitted, the date picker is enabled.false
buttonClassNamestringA string that is added to the class list of the button element in the date picker. This can be used to add custom styles to the button.''
dropDownClassNamestringA string that is added to the class list of the dropdown element in the date picker. This can be used to add custom styles to the dropdown.-
calendarClassNamestringA string that is added to the class list of the calendar element in the date picker. This can be used to add custom styles to the calendar.-
startDatePlaceholderstringThe placeholder text that is displayed when the start date is not selected.'Start date'
endDatePlaceholderstringThe placeholder text that is displayed when the end date is not selected.'End date'
disabledDatesMatcher | Matcher[] | undefinedSpecifies which days should be disabled in the calendar. It can disable specific dates, ranges, or days of the week. Supports complex conditions like disabling before, after, or specific days.-
onOpenChangefunctionA function that is called when the visibility of the date picker changes.-
modalbooleanA boolean that determines whether the date picker is displayed as a modal.false