A container that displays data in calendar form.
Example Code
1import { Calendar } from "inc-design-system/calendar";
Example Code
1const [date, setDate] = React.useState<Date | undefined>(new Date());
3return <Calendar mode="single" selected={date} onSelect={setDate} />;
For more props:
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
className | string | The class name of the calendar. | - |
classNames | object | The class names for the calendar. | - |
showOutsideDays | boolean | Whether to show outside days or not. | true |
today | Date | The current date. | new Date() |
selected | Date | Date[] | CalendarDateRange | undefined | The selected date. Type `Date` for 'single' mode, `Date[]` for 'multiple' mode, and `CalendarDateRange` for 'range' mode. | - |
onSelect | (selected: Date | Date[] | CalendarDateRange | undefined) => void | Callback function that is called when a date or a range of dates is selected. | - |
onDayClick | (date: Date) => void | The function to call when a day is clicked. | - |
disabled | Date[] | The dates that should be disabled. | [] |
hidden | Date[] | The dates that should be hidden. | [] |
mode | 'single' | 'multiple' | 'range' | The selection mode. Default is 'single'. | 'single' |
props | object | The other props for the DayPicker component by React Day Picker. | - |